
Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Menyedari bahawa kelompok reformis ini penting, Anwar telah mengarahkan 'Perjumpaan Reformis Bersama MB Selangor' diadakan baru-baru ini. Perjumpaaan berlangsung jampir 4 jam. Semuanya menjurus kepada 'bicara hati' dengan pejuang jalanan yang sekian lama memperjudikan nasib untuk menyokong Anwar.

Anwar sendiri hadir. Nik Nazmi ada. Nora ada. Tg Marziah ada. Pak Din ada. Pak Salleh Nasir pun ada. Ini semua orang kanan; penggerak reformis. Maka, antata yang paling banyak dibincangkan adalah BAGAIMANA puak reformis ini mesti dibantu. Anwar mahukan gerakan reformis dimulakan semula sesuai dengan kehangatan suasana mahkamah yang bakal bersambung 25 Mac nanti. Anwar tuntut kesungguhan mereka berada di mahkamah dan memulakan 'HARTAL' kalau perlu. Hartal ini macam 'nationwide' punya demontstrasi.

Jadi, dalam mesyuarat tersebut Khalid MB bersetuju bahawa semua reformis (150 orang reformis utama) akan diberikan elaun 'demonstrasi'. Ini sudah dijanjikan. Mereka mesti sentiasa memberikan sokongan kepada Anwar dalam apa cara sekalipun. Berapa jumlah? Katanya, antara RM2000 ke RM2500 sebulan. 150 orang sahaja. Mereka inilah yang bertanggungjawab nak bawa turun lebih ramai orang ke jalanan. Mereka masyuk; orang lain dapat apa?

Maknanya, puak reformis sudah boleh bernafas lega. MB Selangor janji RM2k sebulan. Kali 150 orang - baru RM300k. Duit siapa? Kita tak payah tanya.

Soalnya, kenapa 150 orang sahaja yang mahu dijaga. Yang lain, tinggalkan anak bini atas nama perjuangan dapat apa? Maka, Khalid pun bersetuju bahawa YAYASAN REFORMIS diwujudkan bagi membantu semua yang terlibat. YAYASAN REFORMIS akan diberikan keutamaan dalam kerja-kerja yang BOLEH mendatangkan keuntungan kepada Yayasan. Hebat cadangan Khalid. Oleh yang demikian, kita menjangkakan - lebih ramai yang akan mendapat manfaat daripada program YAYASAN REFORMIS.


Perjuangan tanpa prinsip yang mantap hanya akan menganiayai pengikut. Walaupun mereka diberi upah atau rasuah murahan tetapi maruah dan harga diri mereka jatuh ke tahap paling bawah kerana melibatkan diri dengan perjuangan yang sia-sia.

Kita yakin akhirnyamereka ini akan kembali ke jalan yang benar dan insaf di atas segala kejahilan dan keterlanjuran mereka menyokong satu gerakan yang tidak berharga walau satu sen pun untuk agama, bangsa dan tanah air.


Berikut adalah tulisan YB Wangsa Maju Wee Choo Keong mengenai politik racist DAP yang suka melabel dan melakukan pembentarasan ala MacCarthyism dengan hanya berdasarkan tuduhan.

Cara ini yang digunakan oleh Lim Guan Eng dan balacinya Jeff Ooi terhadap semua mereka yang menentang Lim Guan Eng.

Tulisan Wee berikut:

I have been steering away from the present controversies that had befallen PR. When I am asked to respond to the controversies by reporters, I have constantly refused to make any comment although deep down in my heart I am in full agreement with what had been stated by my colleagues in PKR, who are loyal to the PKR cause.

Now that YB Jeff Ooi, the MP for Jelutong and chief of staff to the Chief Minister of Penang, YB Lim Guan Eng, had chosen to drag me into the controversies, I have no alternative but to respond to his wild allegation.

YB Jeff Ooi, a blogger in KL turned politician in the General Elections of March 2008, had categorically stated that 4 PKR MPs will jump ship but he did not know to which (BN or pro BN party) they will join. My name was also mentioned as one of the MPs. I would like to categorically deny the accusation by YB Jeff Ooi and the other little napoleons and state I have no intention of joining any of the BN component party or pro BN party as accused.

This innate behavior of DAP leaders playing “Politics of Tagging” whenever their higher-ups are faced with problems and then resorting to a smear campaign to accuse others of being “BN agents, disgruntled politicians, wanting to jump ship and what-have-you” is all too familiar.

What should have been the right thing for them to do is address the real problems that had been highlighted instead of stooping so low.

This desperate act is similar to the McCarthyism practised in America during the 1950’s when most political problems faced by the power-that-be were somehow because of acts of sabotage by communists.

This style of low class politics can continue to carry on in DAP but it must be stopped within the PR if we are serious about wanting to see a change of government in the 13th General Elections.

If YB Jeff Ooi thinks that “Politics of McCarthyism” or “Politics of Tagging” will be able to divert public attention from the present controversies and hoping that they will vanish, I am truly sorry for him for making such a green-horned, misguided and wrong political judgment.

It was most unexpected of YB Jeff Ooi that he should see it fit to drag me into the controversies by making such an irresponsible and unfounded allegation against me. I believe that by the nature of his job and as a novice in politics he had to do what he did. I don’t like to sue politicians and newspapers but I am left with no alternative if YB Jeff Ooi does not retract what he had told The SUN within 48 hours.

I am sorry YB Jeff Ooi as I have to do what I have to do – like what you had done but certainly not as blissfully asinine.

Wee Choo Keong

- from The Unspinners

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