
Thursday, February 25, 2010


Tak perlukah berfikir dua kali sebelum buat kenyataan?
Tak perlukah lebih berwibawa apabila membuat kenyataan?
Tak perlukah lebih memahami realiti negara Malaysia dalam semua aspek?

2010-02-20 15:02

MCA views with concern the caning that was meted out against the three Muslim women recently and the disturbing trend of syariah law enforcement in our country.

While MCA accepts that syariah laws are personal laws and syariah jurisdiction applies to Muslims only, its application should in no event contravene the Federal Constitution.

It is well known that Section 289 of the Penal Code forbids the caning of women. Corporal punishment towards women is inhumane and degrading in nature.

The apparent dual criminal justice system now is most unsatisfactory. It serves to confuse the rakyat, and the disparity in criminal justice enforcement arising from whether one is a Muslim or a non-Muslim is most undesirable. This may be seen as an alarming development that sends a wrong signal about our criminal justice system.

MCA laments the speedy and stealthy manner of the caning cases by the relevant law enforcement authority has conveyed a distasteful impression of our criminal justice system, especially when the same is conducted at a time the suitability of caning of women has been widely debated following the Kartika case.

MCA maintains its position that supremacy of the Federal Constitution whereupon Article 8 reads that there should be no discrimination on the basis of gender therefore equality for all, including equality towards Muslim women must be upheld.

Further, Malaysia is a member country that ratifies the international Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination (CEDAW) covenants. We have a duty to uphold the international covenants to eliminate all forms of inequality against women. The caning of women has also attracted negative international attention and inevitably tarnish our image as a plural multi-racial country.
Gan Ping Sieu
MCA Spokesperson
MCA Political Education Bureau ChairmanKuala Lumpur19 Feb 2010
MySinchew 2010.02.20

NUAR BRAHIM: Kalau saya tidak diganggu

SHAH ALAM - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim membayangkan tidak akan melepaskan jawatan Ketua Pembangkang di Parlimen, meskipun beliau sekarang sedang menghadapi pertuduhan meliwat bekas pembantunya, Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Anwar juga turut menemplak Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim, Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan yang mempersoalkan kedudukannya sebagai Ketua Pembangkang di Parlimen berikutan kes liwat yang dihadapinya.

"Tugas Rais bukan tentukan jawatan politik individu lain, tetapi jaga RTM milik Kerajaan Pusat", kata Anwar.

Menurutnya, semua pertimbangan bagi jawatan itu hanya boleh diputuskan oleh pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat (PR) dan bukannya Rais mahupun mana-mana pemimpin Barisan Nasional (BN).

Ketika dalam ucapannya, Anwar berharap perbicaraan kes liwat keduanya di mahkamah tidak 'mengganggu' tugasnya sebagai penasihat ekonomi Selangor untuk memberikan lebih perhatian terhadap negeri itu.

"Kalau saya tak diganggu di mahkamah, saya dapat lebih banyak tumpukan perhatian di Selangor kerana sekarang ini masih banyak fitnah dan khianat dilemparkan terhadap saya," katanya.


Rakyat dah maklum:
1. Nuar cuba ubah kes dari kesalahan meliwat kepada kes konspirasi
2. Telah cuba menukar hakim
3. Telah cuba mendapatkan bukti pihak pendakwa
4. Telah cuba menyalahkan pihak lain seperti Utusan Malaysia
5. Telah cuba menyeret pihak luar negara campurtangan
6. Telah mula lakukan roadshow untuk ubah persepsi
7. Telah cuba sedaya upaya menyanggah fakta gunakan alibi

"Yang Arif can go on, in line with the authority. We will appeal and we are ready to proceed with the trial. There is no more delaying tactics." - Karpal Singh

Esok lupa...kita yakin sandiwara Buar Brahim akan diteruskan.
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