Anak-anak kita perlukan didikan dan Kerajaan yang mantap
Districts warn of deeper teacher cuts
‘This may be our new economic reality,’ says one superintendent
The New York Times
updated 6:40 p.m. ET April 20, 2010
School districts around the country, forced to resort to drastic money-saving measures, are warning hundreds of thousands of teachers that their jobs may be eliminated in June.
The districts have no choice, they say, because their usual sources of revenue — state money and local property taxes — have been hit hard by the recession. In addition, federal stimulus money earmarked for education has been mostly used up this year.
As a result, the 2010-11 school term is shaping up as one of the most austere in the last half century. In addition to teacher layoffs, districts are planning to close schools, cut programs, enlarge class sizes and shorten the school day, week or year to save money.
“We are doing things and considering options I never thought I’d have to consider,” said Peter C. Gorman, superintendent of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools in North Carolina, who expects to cut 600 of the district’s 9,400 teachers this year, after laying off 120 last year. “This may be our new economic reality.”
Districts in California have pink-slipped 22,000 teachers. Illinois authorities are predicting 17,000 public school job cuts. And New York has warned nearly 15,000 teachers that their jobs could disappear in June.
Tetapi sebilangan kecil guru-guru kita yang terus menikmati gaji lumayan walaupun setiap hari menghasut rakyat supaya membenci kerajaan yang sentiasa menjaga ekonomi negara.
Tahniah kepada guru-guru yang berpendidikan dan berfikiran waras yang sentiasa menyokong dan mendokong usaha gigih kerajaan.
Kelihatan ramai guru-guru muda yang turun ke Hulu Selangor memberi penerangan kepada orang ramai mengenai dasar-dasar kerajaan yang berusaha meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat.
Diharap guru-guru muda ini janganlah menggunakan pendekatan menghasut, mencaci atau menghina pihak Gerombolan Pembangkang, kerana sebagai golongan pendidik, mereka berperanan membuka minda rakyat secara berhemah dan bijaksana.
Pendidikan adalah asas kemajuan dan pembinaan tamadun manusia.
Tamadun dibina di atas kemajuan pendidikan, bukan kejayaan hasutan dan penyuburan emosi benci dan dendam kesumat politik sesat yang kotor.
Selamat berjuang dan terus mendidik.